Art, pedagogy, psychology, research, and humanization.


In Design Posted

ART, PEDAGOGY, PSYCHOLOGY, RESEARCH, AND HUMANIZATION. This documentary is produced by the advertising agency Armadillo Azul, composed of a multidisciplinary team. The documentary’s name is «CONSTANZA ARÉVALO, VISUAL ARTIST.»

The purpose of this documentary is to explore part of the artist’s life story, particularly her professional journey. This way, individuals, especially educational communities, can visualize the significant contributions and impact that her professional work has had in different educational communities, where she has provided her services as an artist, educational psychologist, educational researcher, and educator. Thus, the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary nature of knowledge is reflected, using art as a social, cultural, and educational strategy. This aims to contribute to individual and group transformations from and with art, empowering students to become protagonists of their learning, fostering happiness, freedom, expressiveness, and creativity. This promotes and elevates art further in psychoeducational processes across various professional fields where humanity operates.

Considering the artist’s holistic vision, the exhibition «Yuruparí» is also promoted. According to the Makuna culture, «Yuruparí» is the primordial force that creates the universe and gives it life. In short, it is everything. The main protagonists are animals, particularly the expressiveness and communication through their gaze. The initial purpose of this exhibition was to show gratitude for the artist’s existence and for the existence of humanity, respect for all living beings and nature. Through her artworks, she aims to awaken a higher level of sensitivity towards animals, life, and greater humanization towards others.

«Yuruparí is the primordial force that creates the universe and gives it life. In short, it is everything.» How could we consider and understand that each living being carries an ounce of human essence within? How could we perceive the mutualistic Human-Animal bond through their eyes? Constanza Arévalo comprehends this mythical and ancestral connection. Through her artworks, she takes us on a sensory journey through time and space, immersing us in the vastness of YURUPARÍ—navigating jungles, rivers, plains, deserts, and skies. Her work is expressed through impressionist, expressionist, and fauvist strokes, brimming with color and textures, subjectively revealing the essence of Human-Animal connectivity.

In alignment with the cosmogony of the Makuna ethnic group of the Amazon, «All living beings have a human spiritual essence and are thus perceived as people.» This premise remarkably aligns with the artist’s proposal, which centers the development of her work on the EYES and the expressive gaze of animals. As she herself states, «Through the eyes, we can see the invisible aspects of humans—the soul. The gaze is the most important and primal form of communication.» As a result of this perspective, her work’s articulating element becomes the eyes and gaze, where the pinnacle of each piece emerges, revolving around the eyes and their profound spiritual significance.

Yuruparí is a series in which the artist briefly departs from her previous works. This subtle divergence doesn’t pertain to her pictorial technique but rather to the detailed execution of her work and the mythical and spiritual significance of this series. Thus, the artist names this collection «Yuruparí,» which isn’t just a captivating word; it holds transcendental meaning.

Author Juan Carlos Pinzón A. 



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