Invisible emerges from silence. The work is insinuated rather than revealed, inviting us to a more subtle perception. The canvas seems empty at first glance, ethereal, almost impalpable. But contemplating it closely, faint chromatic vibrations begin to surface, echoes of shapes that vanish as soon as they appear. The artist immerses us in an elusive dimension where absence is potential presence. He plays with the interstices, with the space between things, evoking invisible contours. With spectral brushstrokes he outlines a latent reality, energizing the void. What is not seen shapes the visible as if hollowing it from within. Invisible reveals that creation germinates in the secret folds of the soul. It is a hymn to the generative power of the inform, to the magic that underlies the phenomenal world. A window into the ineffable. With exquisite mastery, the artist’s work reminds us that truth dwells in the intangible.
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