
Before Renewal time seems to stand still. The work emerges from an indeterminate, timeless space. The gaze is lost in its evanescent, almost hypnotic strokes. A delicate dance of lights and shadows suggests the perpetual becoming of the Self. Ethereal brushstrokes, barely insinuated, evoke a continuous rebirth. There are no precise contours or delimited forms, only a chromatic vibration that pulses with organic rhythm. A symphony of greens, ochres and blues immerses us in a contemplative state. Life sprouts and dissolves in each impasto, in each translucent glaze. Renewal reminds us that existence is change, that everything flows and nothing remains. The artist masterfully captures the perpetual re-creation of Nature. He seizes its fleeting yet eternal beauty. The work invites us to surrender to becoming, to abandon ourselves to the infinite Cycle of death and resurrection. A silent hymn to the transformative capacity that nests in every being. A song to Faith, to the absolute trust in the ever-rebirth.

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